In-Home Swedish or Relaxation Massage - 120 minutes

  • You'll enjoy a long, luxurious massage that will use all kinds of massage techniques including" long slow strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of your skin and muscle, and some rhythmic rocking from side to side. This means you just lie there with your eyes closed and relax! This is a great massage to choose if you all want to chill out and be pampered and spoiled. After all a great relaxation massage aids in relieving stress and muscle tension and will leave you oozing with a sense of wellbeing.

In-Home Deep Tissue - 120 minutes

  • A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure & slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia. It's used for chronic aches, pain & contracted areas such as a stiff neck, upper & lower back pain, leg muscle tightness, & sore shoulders.
  • It's important to note that deep tissue massage is more than just a massage with deep pressure. The goals and techniques are different from a Swedish massage. Remember that massage should never have to hurt to be effective.

Out of Pocket Medical Massage - 120 minutes

  • Referral or Prescription is still required.Referral or Prescription is still required.
  • A medical massage therapist works closely with your doctor(s) to treat patients who are dealing with pain, illness, injury, or surgery. Your medical massage session varies in
  • lengths, modalities, and techniques to manipulate and access muscles and soft tissue to treat chronic pain and injuries.
  • Medical massage differs in that it is outcome-specific such as neuropathy, vertigo, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, knee or hip replacement, arthritis, frozen shoulder, or even high blood pressure.

In-Home Hot Stone or Bamboo Massage - 60 minutes


In-Home Hot Stone or Bamboo Massage - 90 minutes


Telehealth consultation 10-30 minutes

  • Consultation

Manual Lymphatic Drainage - 60 minutes

  • MLD aims to move fluid from the swollen area into a place where the lymphatic system is working normally. To do this, the specialist first uses specialized skin movements to clear the area that they want the fluid to drain into.
  • When you have MLD, you feel a gentle pressure. The skin movements are very light, slow, and rhythmic. This helps lymphatic flow and drainage.
  • The number of treatments you have varies from person to person. This depends on the type of MLD and what you need. Your specialist will work out a treatment plan for you. Taking into account the amount of swelling you have.
  • After having manual lymphatic drainage the specialist might bandage the area. They'll use a specialized bandaging technique called multi-layered lympho-edema bandaging. If it is not possible or necessary to use bandages, you usually wear a compression garment.
  • Your MLD Specialist will regularly check how well your treatment is working. They’ll look at whether the tissues are softening and how much the swelling is going down.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage - 90 minutes

  • MLD aims to move fluid from the swollen area into a place where the lymphatic system is working normally. To do this, the specialist first uses specialized skin movements to clear the area that they want the fluid to drain into.
  • When you have MLD, you feel a gentle pressure. The skin movements are very light, slow, and rhythmic. This helps lymphatic flow and drainage.
  • The number of treatments you have varies from person to person. This depends on the type of MLD and what you need. Your specialist will work out a treatment plan for you. Taking into account the amount of swelling you have.
  • After having manual lymphatic drainage the specialist might bandage the area. They'll use a specialized bandaging technique called multi-layered lympho-edema bandaging. If it is not possible or necessary to use bandages, you usually wear a compression garment.
  • Your MLD Specialist will regularly check how well your treatment is working. They’ll look at whether the tissues are softening and how much the swelling is going down.