27 Oct

As a massage therapist, I'm constantly looking for material to help my clients who are suffering from low back pain. So, as I went about my day to find material and continue my study on how new discoveries, and how others are approaching this condition, I lucked out and struck gold today with Dr. Berg's YouTube video. I Iiked it so much, I couldn't help but not share it with you all. 

A bit about the developer of the video. Dr. Eric Berg is a Chiropractor out of Alexandria, VA. who has a passion for educating others. Thus, he has created a YouTube channel to expand his reach. 

With that being said, I hope you will find Dr. Eric Berg's take on Sciatic Nerve Pain as informal and beneficial as I did.

A few statistics about Low back pain and sciatic.

There are two types of sciatic (1) True Sciatica, (2) Sciatic-like conditions.

It's estimated that 619 million people are affected with low back pain each year and with that 40% of the world's population will deal with sciatic pain at some point in their lifetime.

Interesting facts.

True sciatica happens from different kinds of conditions including injury whereas, sciatic-like conditions happen from other reasons where the nerves bundle together. For our purposes, we'll just refer to it as sciatica.

Dr. Berg, mentions how it's not uncommon for those who have lost the curvature in the lumbar region to develop sciatic. This is because they have lost the space in the vertebra and those with the loss of space increase the chance of having compressed nerves.

My takeaway.

Whether you have sciatica or not, whether you are young or advanced in age,  it's important that we begin working with a foam roller to maintain that or return lower curvature. 

This is something I'm going to challenge myself with. Phase one is to do it for at least 5 minutes a day with a goal of working up to 30 minutes a day. I hope you will join me in this challenge.

Note please consult with your doctor and/or physical therapist before embarking on your foam rolling routine. 

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